long awaited update
i haven't written in my journal for a while and i've been meaning to...really! i've mostly just been continuing to work at wal-mart, often feeling completely dissatisfied with that aspect of my life. beyond that, i hung out with an old friend last week and that was absolutely fantastic. hopefully i'll hang out with her again sometime this summer (we usually hang out once every couple years). also, two days ago i went to the movies by myself and i saw an amazing film (in my opinion). i went to go see saved! with mandy moore, jena malone, macaulay culkin, and patrick fugit. i mean...they were actors in the movie; i didn't go see the movie with them. this film was everything i hoped it would be and much, much more. it seemed to be a terrific balance between a comedy and a serious drama with real issues. in my experiences with certain christians, this satire accurately portrayed radical fanatics, as well more subdued "normal" christians. the writer did his research, getting the conversational lingo absolutely correct. as well, it did reflect that most of the christians in the movie had good intentions, but there was some barrier they couldn't see through in order to help the way that they needed to help. the movie is already pretty controversial because it depicts certain christians in a negative light. in fact, at least woman in the theatre walked out. sometimes things are a little too close to the truth. i would recommend it to anyone and, in fact, i think it's a very important film for everyone to see, except for those who are too young for some of the language, sexual themes, or even to understand the clever satire. it's only PG-13, but people still need to use judgement in who sees it.
as i am continuing to investigate religion from a different perspective than before, i feel free and enlightened. because of this, i am determined to live life more fully and help and love as many people as i can along the way. while in most ways my changing views make me feel great, i'm very worried about what others will think, particularly my dad and stepmom. so, i haven't talked to them about it at all. actually, i haven't really been in contact with them at all lately. i suppose it eventually has to happen and i do not look forward to it.
there's been a lot more going on within me, but i don't know if i want to disclose everything right now. in short, i'm realizing how i'm not at all ready or willing to sacrifice particular things for anyone. i need to do what i want to do. anyway, i won't get into it right now, but perhaps another time.
for now, i bid you adieu...