this journal shall be a journey with several dimensions in respect to my acting career and life in general. along the way, i plan on sharing my passions with the world.

Monday, May 24, 2004

working at wal-mart

well, yesterday was my first day back at good old wally world. there are plenty of reasons to laugh at this, including my distaste for such blatant commercialism. however, even though wal-mart may represent the evil commercialist engine, i do my best to build relationships with customers and help them as much as i can. it's not really the customers' fault or even that of the employees themselves. it's a product of our society and, unfortunately, 99% of the population is completely unaware of the disease that plagues it. maybe i'm a little too idealistic, but instead of buying a new playstation 2, why don't we feed, clothe, and educate a child in a poverty stricken country for at least 5 or 6 months? i'm just as much to blame for the way things are, but the difference is that i'm aware of it and hopefully i will continue to push in the direction of helping humankind. i leave you with lyrics from a song by this band by the name of calibretto:

"You're a spoiled brat.
Oh yes, it's true.
You're stuck on self,
Nobody matters but you.
Forget about the hungry in Mexico.
Go play your stupid Nintendo.
We've got everything we want.
We're ungrateful spoiled little brats.
We need a humble self esteem.
Stop living for a selfish dream."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of people think that kids from my area are rich spoiled brats because we are in the Fairfax County and Northern Virginia area but I know where you are coming from cause I want to help also

May 20, 2006 at 2:16 PM


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